Huawei B593 Driver Firmware Download 2016
Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. Huawei - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World This site uses cookies.
I have already written unlocking procedure of Huawei’s, and MiFi / WiFi routers. I keep uploading the firmware and WebUI’s as and when we get. Today, In this post, we will share more firmware. A firmware update may ask you for firmware code/password, comment with model and IMEI to get it free. However, the unlock code charge may be applied from 1.50 USD to 15 EURO, depending on the devices.
We provide unlock codes for,,,, and (some Huawei dongles / MiFi’s unlock code charge is 6 USD, so before proceeding with the payment check that device is asking for unlock code or not. If not, then leave a comment with details. Download Firmware Update Huawei B593u-91 V100R001C82SP055 At the last, I want to tell the most important thing that firmware / WebUI change/upgrade may your device dead/brick. So, If you are proceeding with any firmware / WebUI upgrade, it is solely your responsibilities of the damage of your device.
I have already provided the unlocking solution of 4G CPE router. Recently, in various countries customized firmware B593 routers have been released and do not allow to unlock it. This article is dedicated to those persons who are facing problem in unlocking his B593u devices. Requirements of flashing the firmware of Huawei B593u 4G CPE router 1. Download -12.
Download and install in the default installation path C: Program Files WinRAR. How to Flash the Firmware of Huawei B593u 4G CPE Router Free? Connect the B593u to PC and assign the static IP address to the PC network port connected to the HUB to Open the downloaded Huawei B593 multicast upgrade software. Click on refresh to refresh the network card list, and then select the network card whose IP address is
3. Click Open, and then a dialog box for selecting the upgrade file is displayed. Select the upgrade package cpe.tar.bz2, and then click Open. 4. If you have upgrade package as B593.trx, then in Policy choose router, and then click Open, select the file. 5. Below the File Path box, if the version number is displayed as the error information such as Error file version or Analyse time-out, it indicates that the upgrade package is incorrect. 6. Click Start to start sending multicast packets. 7. After the successful upgrade is complete, all the five signal indicators will be ON on the router. 8. Now, Click Stop to stop sending multicast packets.
9. Close the multicast tool. 10. Power off the HUB and enjoy the B593 CPE router.
If your B593 4G CPE router does not allow the change or create the new APN, then 1. Open and login as user (password @l03e1t3).