Inf Installer Tool

Inf Installer Tool Rating: 8,7/10 8035 reviews

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Aug 1, 2002 - INF-Tool Lite - This is THE alternative to huge or complicated. InstallConstruct is a full featured Windows installer program, which is designed. Simply select the device from the list, right-click, select the desired driver type and the tool will do the rest. No need to modify INF files, no need to click through.

Hi, I am very new to installers and Setup Factory. I have created an inf file to install our device drivers and successfully installed it by right clicking the device in device manager and installing the inf that way.

We would like an installer that automates this process for our end-users. I have been getting some tips and support, I am still having a hard time understanding.

Manual installation of a inf file is normally done with a command like this C: Windows System32 rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 filename.inf I can use shell.execute to replicate the same command. Number Shell.Execute ( string Filename, string Verb = 'open', string Arguments = ', string WorkingFolder = ', number WindowMode = SW_SHOWNORMAL, boolean WaitForReturn = false ) I understand that the first param is for the path to the inf, I left the 2nd param as is.

Right now my script looks like: result = Shell.Execute(SessionVar.Expand('%AppFolder% Devi ce.inf'),'open',',',SW_SHOWNORMAL,false). Result = Shell.Execute(SessionVar.Expand('%AppFolder% Alba trossPXI.inf'), 'Install', ', ', SW_SHOWNORMAL, false); result = Shell.Execute(SessionVar.Expand('%AppFolder% Alba trossPXI2.inf'), 'Install', ', ', SW_SHOWNORMAL, false); result3 = Shell.Execute(SessionVar.Expand('%SystemFolder% R unDll32.exe'), 'open', 'syssetup.dll,UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers',SessionVar.G et('%SystemFolder%'),SW_SHOWNORMAL,true); I have done something like this and it has worked for me, but another problem is that after I install, it shows up as not installed correctly. So that last command updates all the drivers, and it works out but it can take awhile. I was wondering if this can be moved to the progress section, and added as an event and how you would add that event. Gillok romanticheskie pjesi noti. Just so the end-user would get some kind of feed back. Yea, I wasn't sure because the code above actually work. That is essentially my script in the post install section through Setup Factory.

Would something like this be more correct? I finally got the errors. This worked for me Shell.Execute(SessionVar.Expand('%SystemFolder% r undll32.exe'), 'open', 'setupapi, InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 '.SessionVar.Expand('%AppFolder% f'),SessionVar.Expand('%AppFolder%'), SW_SHOWNORMAL, true); The above codes work exactly the same as the other code I first posted, though this one is proper. It works but it is too slow. I have been looking into Diffx in windows. Do you know of anyway to use it in Setup Factory?