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Southern River Terrapin The Southern River Terrapin was until recently considered to be part of the wide-ranging species Batagur baska (from India to Indonesia). Genetic analysis determined that the species should be split into two; the Northern River Terrapin, B. Baska, and the Southern River Terrapin, B.

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Affinis, which includes the Western Malay River Terrapin, B. Affinis, and the Eastern Malay River Terrapin, B. This species has been heavily exploited for its flesh and eggs and only small isolated populations remain. Sulawesi Forest Turtle This medium-sized (to 28 cm) semi-aquatic turtle is endemic to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Frank Yuwono, after whom the species is named, obtained the first specimen known to science from a market in Gorontalo; the species was formally described to science only in 1995. Males are much larger than females and distinguished by their whitish heads. No detailed field studies have been carried out, but the species’ preferred habitat appears to be cool shallow streams that flow from the mountains.

Arakan Forest Turtle The Arakan Forest Turtle ( Heosemys depressa) occurs in the Arakan and Chin Hills of western Myanmar, Chittagong Hill Tracts of neighboring Bangladesh, and possibly into Mizoram (India), along the Kaladan River drainage, although the latter has yet to be confirmed. Within this region, H. Depressa is found in a variety of low and mid-elevation (to 700 m) habitat types, including primary evergreen forest, second-growth forest in abandoned swidden fields, deciduous forest, and bamboo brake. Southern Vietnam Box Turtle This recently described, highly terrestrial member of the genus Cuora inhabits the evergreen rain forests at elevations of 300 to 600 m on the Lang Bian Plateau in southern central Vietnam. It is currently known only from two provinces, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen, and may also occur in Dac Lak province.

It took scientists until 2010 to finally find this species in the wild. Cuora picturata is characterized by an orange-brown to dark brown carapace with a cream-colored band extending along the lateral side. Flat-tailed Tortoise Pyxis planicauda is found only in a limited area of dry deciduous forest in the coastal lowlands of western Madagascar.

This species has a low reproductive rate and is severely threatened by habitat loss and previous over-collection for the international pet trade. Since being placed on CITES Appendix I in 2002, legal export for the pet trade has ceased and its severe population decline has been halted, but collection for the illegal pet trade still occurs. Local people do not consume or harm the tortoises which are only active during the hot wet season from November/December to March/April and remain hidden under leaf litter and dormant for the rest of the year. South Asian Narrow-Headed Softshell Turtle The South Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle occurred widely throughout the rivers of the South Asian subcontinent, but a combination of habitat alteration and destruction, fisheries bycatch, and targeted exploitation has shrunk its current occurrence to just fragments of its former range. As a visual ambush predator focused on fish, the animals are dependent on shallow areas of clear flowing water to forage, as well as extensive sand banks for nesting. Coahuila Box Turtle The Coahuila Box Turtle is unique among North American box turtles in its largely aquatic habits. The species has an unclear phylogenetic relationship to the other box turtles and may be a sister taxon to Terrapene carolina.

It is one of the rarest turtles in North America, and has one of the most restricted distributions of any turtle in the western hemisphere. Terrapene coahuila is endemic to small spring-fed wetlands and pools in an intermontane valley near the town of Cuatro Cienegas in northern Mexico. Indochinese Box Turtle Cuora galbinifrons, a predominantly terrestrial species, inhabits evergreen rain forests at elevations of 500 to 1000 m in northern Vietnam, northeastern Laos, southernmost Guangxi Province, China, and Hainan Island, China. Its domed carapace is highly variable in color and can be entirely black to chestnut brown with or without black stripes and radiations and a yellow, orange, or mainly black lateral band.

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The plastron is usually black; some specimens, especially from Hainan, show a yellowish central pattern similar to its close relative C. Spider Tortoise One of the smallest tortoises in the world and the smallest endemic chelonian in Madagascar, the Spider Tortoise is classified as Critically Endangered. This species is historically sympatric with the larger Radiated Tortoise, sharing the threatened southern spiny forest. The Spider Tortoise can be highly variable in coloration, but is generally dark brown with connecting yellow streaks across its carapace, sometimes resembling a spider’s web and giving the animal its English name. Black Softshell Turtle The Black Softshell Turtles inhabiting the pond at the Bostami shrine outside Chittagong, Bangladesh, were recognized as a unique species as long ago as 1872, and considered the last survivors of a species that had gone extinct in the wild. Torrent treker filjm chelovek v shtatskom 1973. It was not until 1999 that softshell turtles living in a few temple ponds and in some riverine wetlands in Bangladesh and northeastern India were determined to be this species, instead of the similar, more widespread Indian Peacock Softshell Turtle ( Nilssonia hurum).