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I have found so far four different versions: BASF (who attempted several times to crash the audio market), Metz (yes - the photographic flash maker, who also attempted several times to crash the audio market), Uher later on with a radically different design and Wega. Proshivka aiwa 32le6020 speakers. As for the Sony, naturally, Japan saw a myriad of 22 dedicated and very elaborate racks and accessories and lower-end versions which would require an entire TVK to be displayed properly; the four racks below are nevertheless the most interesting. However, Aiwa was under 52% Sony ownership since 1969 (54,6% in '82) and many sharing of engineers and factories so this may explain that:) Metal, cast aluminium, steel enclosures - and surprisingly good sound to boot. Like Sony's or the Toshiba, this was all the 1970s could offer in quality budget with the upcoming 1980s' slick and unobtrusive packages. The latter rebadge remains very strange given Sony's 100% ownership of Wega since march 1975.
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