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International organizations have a serious impact on the processes of convergence, standardization and unification of the national legislation of the participating countries. The purpose of standardization is the introduction of amendments and additions to the domestic national legislation, primarily all constitutional legislation, with the aim of its unification. The normative force of international acts of such international organizations as the European Union, the CIS, the EAEU and others is contained in the acts issued by them, but it depends on the founding states.
Sign in to Garmin Connect to track, analyze and share the activities from your Garmin device. Store Information. Zavod za istraživanje i razvoj sigurnosti d.o.o., Ulica grada Vukovara 68 p.p. 912 10001 Zagreb Call us now: +385 1 611 9871 Email: prodaja@zirs.hr prodaja@zirs.hr.
With the admission of the state into the international organization, it is forced to adjust its domestic law to numerous international acts. Especially if this organization has taken the path of closer unity and interdependence of its members. Ukrotitelj makaron tatjyana ponomareva. The result of such activities may be a very significant intrusion into the sphere of internal competencies. Kenya is one of the largest states of the African continent and is characterized by a great variety of people, which cannot but influence the processes of decentralization. The article discusses the decentralization policy in Kenya at the present stage, taking into account the changes that were made after the adoption of the new Constitution in 2010. The author studies the role of various territorial levels within the process of decentralization and examines some aspects of the organization of local self-government in Kenya.
The article deals with the problems of delimitation and demarcation of the state border of the Kyrgyz Republic. The national security of the Kyrgyz Republic directly depends on the stability of the countries that surround it.
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The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, the regional instability in neighboring Tajikistan, the return of militants who have gained combat experience in Syria to places of permanent residence all this is a source of international terrorism and drug trafficking. In these conditions, measures aimed at determining the legal regime of the state border, ensuring border security, delimitation and demarcation of the state border are extremely important for Kyrgyzstan. Keywords: state border, delimitation, demarcation, terrorism, conflict, national security territorial disputes, claims, interstate agreements, International Court of Justice. In article the analysis of offenses and the provided responsibility measures in the sphere of carrying out an experiment for development of resort infrastructure in the part regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences is carried out. On the basis of the analysis carried-out the author takes out the offers on modification and additions in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences for improvement of settlement of this sphere of legal relationship.