Severnij Polyus Prezentaciya

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Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Speyeria zerene hippolyta General Information Official Status: Threatened, the Oregon silverspot butterfly is federally listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened. Date Listed: effective October 15,1980; (pdf, 500 KB) Critical Habitat: Critical habitat was designated at the time of listing, and includes the salt-spray meadow between Big Creek and Rock Creek, Lane County, Oregon. This includes those portions of Section 15 and of the south half of Section 10 which are west of a line parallel to, and 1,500 feet west of, the eastern section boundaries of Sections 10 and 15, T16S, R12W, Willamette meridian. Recovery Plan: Oregon Silverspot Butterfly (Speyeria zerene hippolyta) (pdf, 1.0 MB), published August 2001.

Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Photo Credit:USFWS File Photograph Identifying Characteristics: This is a medium-sized butterfly with a wingspan of approximately 5.5 cm (2.2 inches). The upper surfaces are golden brown with numerous black spots and lines. Raskroj kuznecova keygen. Wing undersides are brown, orange-brown, and tan with black lines and distinctive silver and black spots. Basal areas of the wings and body are covered with fine hairs.

Severnij Polyus Prezentaciya

Monthly 0.8 monthly 0.8 2017-10-02T15:34:24+03:00 monthly. Pyrrhura is a genus of parrots in the Arini tribe. They occur in tropical and subtropical South America and southern Central America ( Panama and Costa Rica ). Most are restricted to humid forest and adjacent habitats, but one species, the blaze-winged parakeet, prefers deciduous or gallery woodland, and another.

The Oregon silverspot is a member of the family of true fritillary, or silverspot butterflies, of which 13 species occur in North America. The species Speyeria zerene, sometimes known as the Zerene Fritillary, includes a number of subspecies, of which 8 occur in the Pacific Northwest and on the California coast.

The Oregon silverspot butterfly is similar in appearance to two other coastal subspecies of Speyeria zerene, the Behren’s silverspot butterfly ( S. Behrensii) and Myrtle’s silverspot butterfly ( S. Myrtleae), both of which are also federally listed. The Oregon silverspot differs from the Behren’s silverspot primarily by less dark basal suffusion on the upper sides of the wings and its relative smaller size.

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The Myrtle’s silverspot is larger in size than the Oregon silverspot. Both the Myrtle’s and Behren’s silverspot butterflies occur well to the south of the Oregon silverspot. Current Geographic Range: The historic range of Oregon silverspot butterfly extended along the Oregon and Washington coasts from Westport, Washington south to around Heceta Head in Oregon, and in a separate coastal area north of Crescent City in Del Norte County, California. At least 17 historic sites are known. The current known range is limited to five sites, including four in coastal Oregon in Lane and Tillamook counties, and one in Del Norte County, near Lake Earl.